Home Learning Support

Home Learning Support

At Cheadle Hulme Primary School, we aim to instil a passion for learning in all our pupils to equip them for successful lives beyond our gates.

On this page, you can find a range of learning resources to support your child’s learning at home.


In our Guided Reading lessons we ask pupils to focus on key aspects of reading.

These include:

  • Vocabulary
  • Inference
  • Prediction
  • Retrieval
  • Summarising

Below you will find some posters for each Key Stage that highlights the skill, gives some useful strategies to help develop the skill and some sentence stems which can help your child construct their answer.

Guided Reading Posters – Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

Guided Reading Posters – Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6)


We use the FFT Success for All Phonics programme to teach your children phonics. This scheme  has been validated by the Department of Education and meets the requirements for the teaching of phonics in schools. Every day your child will have a 25-minute phonics lesson where they will be taught all the skills they need to decode words for reading, and segment words for spelling.

Key Phonics Terms


The smallest unit of sound in a word is called a phoneme. If you say the word ‘cat’ slowly you can hear 3 phonemes or sounds: /c/ /a/ /t/.


A phoneme written down is called a grapheme.

For example, the letter (grapheme) ‘a’ represents the sound (phoneme) /a/. The word ‘cat’ has three graphemes: the letters ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’.

A grapheme may have 1, 2 or 3 letters to make one sound, this is explained below.

Some graphemes represent more than one phoneme. For example, ‘oo’ has two different phonemes (sounds) as in ‘book’ and ‘zoo’.


If a grapheme has 2 letters to make 1 sound, it is called a ‘digraph’.

For example: ‘shut’ has 3 phonemes or sounds: /sh/ /u/ t/. Although there are 4 letters in the word ‘shut’, we say there are 3 graphemes because the letters that make /sh/ go together to make one sound. This is a digraph. The graphemes are ‘sh’ ‘u ‘t’.

Once your child has learned all the single sounds (the alphabet letters), then they will begin to learn digraphs.

Split Digraph

Split digraphs are digraphs where the grapheme is split up by a consonant.

For example: ‘bake’ has 3 phonemes or sounds ‘b ‘a_e’ ‘k’. When your child writes the ‘a_e’ digraph, it is split because there is a ‘k’ between the ‘a’ and the ‘e’.

Some other split digraphs are: ‘i_e’, ‘o_e’, e-e and ‘u_e’. They make one sound (phoneme) but are split when written.


If a grapheme has 3 letters, it is called a trigraph.

For example: ‘light’ has 3 phonemes or sounds /l/ /igh/ /t/. /igh/ is a trigraph.

Grapheme– Phoneme Correspondence (GPC)

The relationship of the phoneme and the grapheme that represents it and vice versa. To see the grapheme ‘sh’ and know the sound that it will make. Or, to hear the sound /sh/ and know how to write the corresponding grapheme.



At Cheadle Hulme Primary School, we develop a mastery approach to maths using resources from White Rose Education.

Accross the school, we teach maths using small steps that are carefully designed to build knowledge over time.


We teach maths practically, using activities and resources linked to the children’s interests. Here is a link to the rhymes we use to teach digit formation:


Much of our focus in Early Years is on subitising. Click here for further information.

Key Stage 1 and 2

White Rose have produced videos for parents to go alongside each small step. It’s very common for parents to have been taught different methods for working things out, which can make it more difficult to support your child in the way they are currently learning. To help with this, the small step videos will give you an in depth look at the exact methodology for that lesson.

The video for each relevant small step can usually be found in your child’s home learning as a QR code, but all the small steps can also be found by visiting the White Rose website here.

The drop down boxes allow you to choose year groups and terms. We currently teach ‘Maths (v3 schemes)’.

Additionally, White Rose have created ‘Maths with Michael’ videos exclusively for parents. These videos are designed to help parents keep up with modern teaching methods. The videos cover the following:

  • Has maths changed?
  • 1. Place Value
  • 2. Subtraction
  • 3. Multiplication
  • 4. Division
  • 5. Fractions
  • 6. Algebra

The videos can be found by clicking here.

If you would like to provide additional support to your child that aligns with the learning they are doing in school then free, printable White Rose home learning workbooks for Years 1-6 can be taken from here.

Times Tables

At Cheadle Hulme Primary School, we believe recall of times tables facts is an important skill that helps children access many challenging aspects of maths by reducing the cognitive load required to work out component parts of the question. To help the children learn their tables we use an app called Times Table Rock Stars. The app can be downloaded from any app store or played in a web browser.

If you would like to know more about the app or how to use it then there is a handy guide here. Additonally, TTRS have produced a video for parents that can be found here.

Addtional Apps/Websites

Numbots – designed to develop understadning, recall and fluency in addition and subtraction. This can be downloaded as an app or accessed via a browser.

1-minute maths – designed to build greater number confidence and fluency in subitising, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This is available as an app only from any app store.


We use the Spelling Shed app to help children practise their spellings at home. We know it can be tricky to navigate and find the word list each week so we’ve put together a guide for parents to help. Click here to view it.

The spelling lists for each term are pinned to the top of each year groups’ Instagram account.