Welcome to Pre-School

Spring Term in Pre-School
The inspirational texts on our bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum.
We are excited for another fun-filled term of learning and exploration in Pre-School.
We will continue to strive to make your child’s first experience in education special, continuing to develop their relationship with their teacher and other learning support assistants, who will support them and ensure that their emotional and academic needs are met daily.
Our aim is for your children to become confident learners and to carry their love of learning throughout their lives, as well as following your unique children, their interests and what engages their learning.
Our curriculum will be inspired by our Spring Bookshelf filled with exciting, high-quality texts, helping children to develop our Character Traits:
Jabari Tries, written by Gaia Cornwall, highlights patience, resilience and collaboration as Jabari, an inventor, does not succeed the first time, does not give up and asks for help.
Alexandra Penfold is the author of Rhyming book ’ All are Welcome’ which helps us to express our individuality and celebrates diversity and inclusion.
Beautiful Oops by Barney Salzberg highlights mistakes are learning opportunities.
The Growing Story by Ruth Kraus is a celebration of life, growing and changing as a person and through the seasons.
Author Demi helps us to learn about honesty, courage and humility through their character Ping in a Chinese Folktale ‘The Empty Pot’
The wonderful book Freddie and the Fairy written by Julia Donaldson is a story that helps us to think about the importance of communication, friendship and kindness whilst helping to understand the needs of people with disabilities
We will enjoy reading books and listening to stories. We will begin to learn about sound and rhythm.
Spring Learning at a glance
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will be working collaboratively, taking responsibility for our actions, understanding emotions, and solving conflicts.
Physical Development
We will be developing our gross and fine motor skills, working on core strength and co-ordination.
Communication and Language
We will be focusing our attention, initiating conversations, building vocabulary, and expressing opinions.
We will enjoy reading books and listening to stories. We will begin to learn about sound and rhythm.
We begin to learn about perceptual subitising. We will use concrete resources to notice and compare quantities. We will use stories, songs, and nursery rhymes to connect quantities to number names. We will investigate shapes and space.
Understanding the World
We will celebrate our individuality, our family, and people in our community.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will explore materials, textures, and tools, understanding different experiences. We will continue to develop our imagination and storytelling.
Spring Term Highlights
Tapestry and Instagram updates
Opportunities to learn outside of the classroom
The Pre-School Team
Mrs Jones – Class Teacher
Mrs Bloomfield – Learning Support Assistant
Miss McKenna – Learning Support Assistant
Miss Mosca – Learning Support Assistant
Miss Taylor – Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Warrington – Learning Support Assistant
Important Information
- Pre-School use Tapestry, an online journal, to share your child’s learning and Pre-School specific information. We also love to see photographs and videos from home to talk about and celebrate in Pre-School.
- Please ensure your child wears footwear suitable for outdoor play and sports.
- Wellington boots and waterproof coats will be required for outdoor learning in case of rainy weather.
- Important information will be shared through MCAS and our weekly school newsletter.
- Your child will receive a library book to enjoy reading at home, please return weekly to change their book on their allocated day. We would encourage you to read to your child every day to develop their love for reading.
- Pre-School children will enter school through their own classroom door. Please support a successful start to their day by being on time. Whilst we appreciate it can be tricky to say goodbye on some mornings, it can be helpful to keep this brief and for children to enter school independently from the moment they start.
- The children will be dismissed from their door, directly to their parent/carer. If the person collecting at the end of the day is different to usual, please inform the school’s admin team before pick-up so that Class Teachers are aware and know who to look out for.
- Mrs Jones and the Pre-School Team will be available every day before and after school to answer any questions, receive messages and celebrate successes.
As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Pre-School this term!
Instagram and Tapestry
Please speak to our admin team for access to the Pre-School Instagram feed @chps_preschool
You will receive personalised activation information from Tapestry to your registered email.