Welcome to Year 2
Autumn Term in Year 2
The inspirational texts on our Autumn bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum.
During Autumn term in Year 2, we will read a variety of inspirational texts where we will explore the character traits of kindness, citizenship, integrity, curiosity, bravery and gratitude. In our first few weeks of term, we will explore the brilliant text Billy and the Beast. We will share our ideas on how Billy and the Beast did, or did not, show kindness and integrity to the animals in the woods.
Next, we will follow Syd on a voyage of curiosity as we escape to Grandad’s Island where we will immerse ourselves in an imaginary adventure. We will then learn about various Great Women in History including Harriett Tubman, Flora Drummond, Rosa Parks and Malala Yousafzai and learn about how they made an impact through demonstrating citizenship and bravery. During Poetry Week, we will study the book I’m Sticking with You by Smriti Halls and Steve Small. This lovely poetry book explores the friendship between a squirrel and a bear.
We will encourage the children to recognise that, despite the challenges that may come within a friendship, they can show gratitude and kindness towards one another. Finally, we will dive into a world of magic with Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach! Our discoveries don’t stop there as we will utilise a variety of fiction texts to learn more about lifecycles, habitats and the worlds continents and oceans.
We will recap and develop use of descriptive vocabulary to write interesting character descriptions and turn our hand to story writing to retell and create our own narratives. We will consider where our own adventure island may be. Our science topic is Animals including Humans and we will take inspirational from the jungle in Grandad’s Island to learn about different animals, their habitats and what they need to survive, as well as learning about the impact of global warming around the world. To top it all off we will celebrate Black History Month and Rosh Hashanah, as well as giving a Christmas performance!
Year 2 Autumn Term Highlights!
Nativity Performance
Christmas School Trip
Opportunities to learn outside the classroom
Author Visits
Road Safety
Opportunities to take part in sports events
Internal visitors
Opportunities to apply for a Pupil Parliament Group
Meet the Year 2 Team
Miss Mimnagh – Class Teacher
Mrs Rafferty – Class Teacher
Miss Arnfield – Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Warrington – Learning Support Assistant
Important information:
- PE kits will be kept in school and returned at the end of each half term.
- Please make sure your child’s book bag containing their reading books and reading record is brought into school every day.
- Reading books will be changed weekly.
- Please continue to sign your child’s reading record book daily.
- Home Learning will include daily reading, weekly spellings, and a maths or SPAG task each week.
- Your child’s class teacher will be available every day before and after school to receive messages, celebrate successes and discuss answer any questions.
As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Year 2 this term. Please speak to our admin team for access to the Y2 Instagram feed @chps_year2