Welcome to Year 4
Spring Term in Year 4
The inspirational texts on our bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum.
During Spring term in Year 4, we will read a variety of inspirational and carefully curated texts that explore the character traits of kindness, citizenship, integrity, curiosity, bravery and gratitude.
In our first text – Leaf, we will explore kindness and citizenship through learning about the importance of helping others – particularly those classed as ‘outsiders’. Through this wonderful picture book we will continue building on our understanding of the impact of climate change.
Reading historical and inspirational stories, as told in Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, we will discover how people have demonstrated bravery and integrity to change the world, sometimes against the odds.
Jubb, the main character in the Lost Happy Endings will take us on a heroic journey as she bravely fights to be the keeper of happy endings – in a world where they are being stolen away!
The inspirational tale of War Horse, set against the backdrop of the Great War, sees the main character Joey undertake a dangerous yet joyful odyssey and explores the traits of curiosity, bravery and kindness.
Our DT learning will be inspired by The Black Book of Colours. A visually impaired boy will introduce us to colours as he experiences them – instilling a sense of gratitude for our senses and the world around us.
Our Science topics are Sound and Electricity. In History and Geography, we will be learning about the continent of Asia considering how the Roman Empire changed Britain. In Art, we will be studying the work of Andy Warhol during the Pop Art movement and using his work to inspire our own prints. In RE, we will be learning of the importance of family life and festivals in Jewish religion.
Year 4 Spring Term Highlights!
Educational off-site visit
Robot day in school
Woodwind or brass music tuition
Meet the Year 4 Team
Mrs Maddison – Class Teacher
Mrs Illidge – Class Teacher
Mr Talbot – Class Teacher
Mrs Stonier – Learning Support Assistant
Miss Sannwald – Learning Support Assistant
Mr Watts – Learning Support Assistant
Important Information
- Please make sure your child’s book bag or backpack containing their reading books and reading record is brought into school every day
- Please continue to sign your child’s reading record book regularly and encourage your child to read daily
- Home Learning alternates between Maths/Arithmetic and English/Reading Comprehension and should be completed in your child’s Home Learning book. These are sent home on a Friday and are to be handed in each Wednesday.
- Other online platforms are available for the children to use either as part of the weekly Home Learning or as additional resources to further embed learning from in school. In Year 4, this includes Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars. Logins can be found in the front of the children’s Reading Records.
- A spelling quiz will be held every Friday
- Pupils in Year 4 wear their PE kits in place of regular school uniform on their PE day (day TBC)
- Year 4 will be taking part in swimming lessons during the Autumn term.
The following fruit snack choices will be allowed: a piece of fruit, raw vegetable sticks, dried fruit or a plain breaded snack. Products containing chocolate are not permitted, nor are products containing nuts. - Your Child’s class teacher will be available every day before and after school to receive messages, celebrate successes and answer any questions.
As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Year 4 this term!
Please speak to our admin team for access to the Year 4 Instagram feed @chps_year4