Welcome to Year 6

Spring Term in Year 6

The inspirational texts on our bookshelf will inspire our learning across the curriculum. 

During Spring Term in Year 6, we will read a variety of inspirational texts where we will explore the character traits of kindness, citizenship, integrity, curiosity, bravery and gratitude.

In our first text – The Man who walked Between the Towers – we will explore the story of Philippe Petit who demonstrated incredibly bravery when he walked between the towers of the World Trade Center on a tightrope.

When reading, The Explorer we will discuss how the character of Fred conveys the character traits of kindness and integrity as he embarks on an epic, survival adventure across the Amazon Rainforest.

We will learn about some key figures who are neurodiverse within Just like me: a collection of non-chronological reports demonstrating an array of our character traits.

The Rabbits is an innovative picture book by Shaun Tan (who also wrote The Lost Thing from Autumn Term). The characters in this book demonstrate curiosity when they arrive at a new country. A significant theme of this book is belonging, which will allow us to discuss the character trait of gratitude when thinking about where we belong.

Our Science topics are Light and Animals, including Humans. In History and Geography, we will be learning about West African and Caribbean Heritage and thinking about how this has influenced settlement and tourism. In Art, we will be studying the work of Beatriz Milhaze and then using her work as inspiration to create our own collages.

Year 6 Spring Term Highlights!

  • DT Exhibition
  • Visit to the International Slavery Museum
  • British Science Week
  • World Book Day

Meet the Year 6 Team

Miss Blomfield – Class Teacher

Mr Gillard – Class Teacher

Mr Ives – Class Teacher

Miss Hughes – Learning Support Assistant

Miss Williams – Learning Support Assistant

Important Information

  • Children will come into school in their PE kit on their PE days.
  • Please make sure your child’s book bag, containing their reading books and reading record, is brought into school every day.
  • Reading books will be changed as the children finish their book.
  • In UKS2, we encourage children to read independently at home and sign their own reading record. Parents and carers can then monitor this weekly to ensure children are reading as much as possible. You know your child best and if you would like to sign their reading record, please do this.
  • Home Learning will include daily reading, weekly spellings, and a maths or SPAG task each week.
  • Your child’s class teacher will be available every day before and after school to receive messages, celebrate successes and discuss answer any questions.

As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Year 6 this term!


Please speak to our admin team for access to the Year 5 Instagram feed @chps_year_6